Race in an old class? No worries!

Sometimes I wonder if a new fancy class will ever sail into Montreal and take over the racing scene by storm. Quite a few newer, more expensive classes could blow "Classic" but otherwise viable classes out of the water. Well, me and my old Shark will be around for a while. Yep, own a Laser, Shark, Etchells? Relax, there ain't no significant bunch of buyers out there buyin' freakin' fancy, fast, fresh one designs that will threaten to retire the oldsters. The Wall St Journal video below confirms it. Hold onto your old hull and check the stitching on your rags, the stormy weather is here for a while!


  1. Anonymous7:21 pm

    Ralph: Who trusts a generation "Y" news editor who thinks he knows economics anyways! Why didn't you include the T-22 in your "fleets"?

  2. Thanks for the note. I so appreciate the generation "Y" label! I didn't even know what that was until reading the comment and checking Wikipedia. The T22 is a boat I'm much endeared to. No one design fleet regatta in Montreal for it this year though. I didn't make an exhaustive list, just the ones off the top of my head that instant. More could certainly be listed even if restricted to classics: Fireball, Star, J24. Perhaps viable or renewable OD classes would make a great article...

  3. Anonymous12:29 am

    So... the T-22 as an OD fleet boat is dead in Montreal? This is be beginning of the end? Please no!


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