Kaos, Montreal Sailing's Boat of the evening!

Pictured above, Kaos helmed by Don McDonough, middle is son Dan, and my view of forward crew was blocked. - Ralph, Montreal Sailing.

Here is something fun. Forget about all the various results, the joys, the despair, the fouls, the triumphs. Let's highlight one success story of the most recent race. This team deserves to be the whole story today. Don McDonough has been out there a long time. Kaos was out there when the times were tough for Sharks. Years ago, few Sharks were racing, most were being dragged down the standings by the large dragnet that was the dominant Tanzer 22 fleet at the time. Don and his Shark Kaos kept plugging away. It couldn't have been easy! More Sharks race now, and they are sailed much faster, usually at the front. However, even though Tof's team took the race by a healthy margin, the second boat that crossed the line had the most significant achievement: Kaos! Why? Because they are now #28, an old boat maintained beautifully, because they have slowly moved through the fleet, getting better and better, and now beating real sharp boats.  This Thursday's race, they beat such tough competitors such as the Tanzer 22s that used to beat them like Linton's Encore Une Fois, and Fichten's Sine Wave. But, that's not all, they also beat the heavyweights in their own OD class the Sharks. Yup, they beat Nuisance, Ketchup and Blue Shark! No, they WHUPPED ASS! They spanked some of the best boats on the water.

Kaos, Montreal Sailing's Boat of the Evening!


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